16th Annual Public Ganesha Festival
It is with great pleasure to invite you along with your family and friends for the 16th Annual Sarvajanika Ganesha Chaturthi Celebrations in Hamburg, Germany.
The grand celebrations will commence with the Making of Ganesha Idol on the ART & SPORTS day at Sporthalle Kerschensteinerstraße followed by GANESHA PRATISTHAPANA, BAL GANESHA POOJA and CULTURAL PROGRAMME in Hindu Temple, Hamburg
The last and the mega event GANESHA PALAKI UTSAV will be held in the Mönckebergstraße and ends at Gänsemarkt, 20095 Hamburg.
For the success of this programme, your contributions in the form of TAN-MAN-DHAN are most important.
For better preparations, it’s important to register for the event and you can perform the same using the following link